

"Only Spartan women give
birth to real men."

4 Stars

Pure majesty. Everything in this movie is on a grand scale. Let me give you the definition of the word majesty (it is everything this movie is).

1. regal, lofty, or stately dignity; imposing character; grandeur
2. supreme greatness or authority; sovereignty
3. a royal personage; or royal personages collectively
4. Christ in Majesty, a representation of Christ as ruler of the universe

Zack Snyder directs this faithful adaptation of Frank Miller's (Sin City) graphic novel about the storied Battle of Thermopylae, a conflict that pitted the ancient Greeks against the Persians in 480 B.C.

If you've seen the previews, you have noticed it's very stylized. I never thought someone could make so much gore and horror look so beautiful! The chiseled bodies next to floating crimson fabrics as they dance a ballet of battle. You could pause any part of this movie and frame it, much like Marie Antoinette (Read my review under the month of February). Saturated in a copper and bronzed palette the art direction is strong. I got the feeling early on that the director is a sketch artist. The human body was a key element to this movie. One shot in particular showed this to me. A rear shot of Leonidas' wife (Queen Gorgo) looking into a water well. Check it out, it looks just like a still life sketch.
More details were in the jewelry, and I couldn't get over the whites of the eyes! They are brought up just a bit, but enough to really make these faces so striking.

I knew going in that it was all Bluescreen but I didn't care. Stunning, stunning, stunning. I was able to watch this by myself and sat in the 4th row from the front. I wanted to be drenched in this movie.

The oracle.
Xerxes. Even though he looks like a bad trani (or even that guy from the Street Fighter game. What was his name?), he's a cool looking character. And how do they make the illusion of someone being a giant?
The wall of bodies.
And of course...THE BODIES. This movie has abs, abs, abs. For real eye candy. The Spartans are descendants of Hercules after all. They must all work out at Club Sparta. You can smell these dudes! It was hot.
The end credits are worth watching too.

Low lights are few. I found one scene really hokie. Queen Gorgo makes a plea to the court, and Theron sarcastically claps afterward. Oh please.
Last, the plot is kinda "eh". I understand it's all about the war scenes which I loved. But if it had more of a plot, it would be the movie of the year.

I think that Leonidas has replaced William Wallace for this decade. Lets face it, Mel Gibson is older now and not hot, but the same hunter like quality that he conveyed in Braveheart is much like 300. A strong leader, that has followers that consider themselves lucky to die at his side. We may not know what he is fighting for but he believes in it with every fiber of his being. And in those costumes you can see every fiber too!

Plot summary courtesy of Netflix


Anonymous said...

Ok i got it. But the first time i tried your site it said DOESN'T EXIST., damn computer. I scanned but read all of 300! it is my bedtime now. i know lots of movies out there ~ ADOLF !!!