
Inside Man

"This ain't no bank robbery!"

3.5 Stars

I know, again with the 3.5, but hey that's what it is!

First off, it's got Clive Owen. Why his face is covered for majority of the movie is a mistake and a mystery. That's one good lookin' dude.

Now that that's out of the way...I was very surprised to see this was a Spike Lee Joint. I'm sure I knew that when it first came out, but it sometimes takes me awhile to get to some movies. As I got into the movie you could really tell it's a SLJ. All the racial issues, and uber New York atmosphere.

I did like seeing Jodie Foster back, and as a primo bitch no less. She's great. Not that she went anywhere, but it's always surprising to see her on screen, much like Annette Bening. Not compared in talent but high in the surprised factor when listed in a movie. "Wow, she's in that?" kind of thing.

A caper movie about a sophisticated bank robbery (or is it?) gone wrong/right. It was very smart though I'll give it that. It may sound like I'm not too impressed, but I was. The cinematography was great, along with the areal shots, and different film grades throughout. Not to mention Denzel, he's a gem.

Written very well. Reminded me of the movie The Score, that was a quality movie too.
Just a good ole caper.