

"If I should fall, remember what you see here."

4 Stars

Are you thinking what I'm thinking? "Didn't she just say in her last review that she doesn't like war movies?" Well I don't...but I liked this one! I am particular when it comes to war movies. Pretty much anything WWI or II to present, I'm out. But from the Civil War back, I'm cool. I really like these period pieces, and that how I choose to see it.

Based on the letters of Colonel Robert G. Shaw (Mathew Broderick). Shaw was an officer in the Federal Army during the American Civil War who volunteered to lead the first black soldiers. Shaw was forced to deal with the prejudices of both the enemy (who had orders to kill commanding officers of blacks), and of his own fellow officers.

Also starring Denzel Washington, and Morgan Freeman which proved to me without a doubt that these two are classic American icons of acting. Flawless.

When I first sat down to watch it I was worried it wouldn't hold up. I thought that Matthew Broderick looked too young and fresh to be in a Civil War movie. But then I read the prologue and learned that Colonel Shaw was only 23. That helped.
The scene that really got me into it, was the morning after Colonel Shaw informs his troops of their fate if they are caught training as US Army men. He wakes to survey how many men have left to discover not one has left the camp. Chills.

I liked the range of characters as well. The troop wasn't solely former slaves, but men of all kinds. Free, slave, or educated. Thank you. That was very refreshing to see in a Civil War era film.

Glory was filled with touching, and inspiring moments, and yes it really has held up. I was however disappointed in the special features on the DVD though. Win some, loose some. Right, 54?

Plot summary courtesy of IMDb.com.