
Looking for Comedy in the Muslim World

"Write down that Polish jokes work everywhere."

3.5 Stars

I saw these previews months ago, and really made my mind up to pass.
I choose not to watch political or war movies, and already having the words "Muslim World" in the title turned me off.
Yet after some time passed I watched the preview again on a DVD, and it looked interesting. So I gave it a chance.

I always forget that I like Albert Brooks! He has a quiet, dry humor and I really like his timing.
I had this on while I was doing the dishes at home, and not really expecting anything more than a chuckle here and there, but I was laughing out loud!

In the film Albert Brooks plays himself, and has been chosen by the U.S. Government to travel to India and Pakistan to find out what makes them laugh. And yeah, what does make them laugh?
There's not too much of a plot. He has this cute Indian girl as an assistant, and we loosely get involved with her love life, but it doesn't really matter. Again I was doing the dishes and other small chores.
In other words I wasn't missing anything by leaving the room every once in a while.

This film is not for everyone. I personally found it hilarious! I watched the stand up routine scene twice.
He was performing in front of a packed house of Indian people, and got nothing. The funniest bomb I ever saw. If you're in the mood, you should give it a chance as well. Quiet funny ...but I tend to laugh loud.


Anonymous said...

Well said.