
Phat Girlz

"Poo-Doo, POW!"

3 Stars

How cute was this movie? (Poo-Doo POW has become my new catchphrase by the way.) From my other reviews you may know that I'm a big Mo'Nique fan, so when I saw the previews with her in it AND the location was Palm Springs, I knew I was in.

Mo'Nique stars as Jazmin, a sassy fashion designer frustrated with trying to fit into a size 2 world. Together with a rotund cohort, the ever outspoken Jazmin struggles with her weight -- and finding love and acceptance -- until one day the plump pair meet the men of their dreams..where they least expect to find romance.

The film quality is really indie, but the message comes through loud and clear. I can see some folks turning it off right away because it looks really cheap. I really enjoyed it, the writing and Mo's delivery really made me laugh.

Being a larger girl, I really hate confidence boosting fat women movies. I never can identify with most of those women. I don't feel dumpy (Well, not all the time, but we all have our days...), and I've always felt I've got a good amount of sex appeal, yet my size and my weight equal otherwise to most. That's one reason why I love Mo'Nique (First and foremost I love her comedy). She makes absolutely no apologies for her body. I love how she uses her size as power, and her sarcasm is flawless. The things that come out of her mouth, have at some point crossed my mind, or better yet have come out of my mouth too. You can't fuck wit her! And you've gotta love her. That's what this movie's about.

Plot summary courtesy of Netflix