
Te doy mis Ojos / Take My Eyes

"If she doesn't answer her phone,
what do you think that means?"

2.5 Stars

Domestic abuse. Let's talk about it.
This film is pretty cut and dry. Wife leaves abusive husband, saying it's over. Husband says I'll change, she's back, and "it's" back, and then she really leaves him for good, the end.

But this movie did have one element that I haven't seen yet. It spent a lot of time showing the audience the husband's side. He attends a therapy group of abusive husbands to show he's "changed", and the issues that him and the other men express are very touching in an odd way.
It goes beyond "I just wanted my dinner on the table at 6:00 not 6:02."
These men are just consumed by fear. The dialogue within the group sounded as if it had been witnessed first hand by the writer.
In the film the husband keeps a journal of his actions, and responses as an excercise for his group. In it he describes what happens to his body as he starts to enrage, and the thoughts that race through his mind as well. It sounds much like a panic attack.
Numb limbs, along with overwhelming, almost blinding fear.
I really respected that angle.

On the other hand, the rest of the movie was just too predictable. Look, I'm not one who enjoys to see women get beat. Yet, this film didn't portray the pain of his wife to me.
I felt good with her final decision, but not fully relieved as if I had seen enough, and really wanted her out of there.
Does that make any sense?

If anything I hope it made sense to at least one man who may have seen it, and realized that he can help.
I never looked at it that way.