

"'How old are you?'
'Old enough.'
'Old enough for what?'
'To party.'"

3.5 Stars

But a really good 3.5 movie! Good enough to watch over and over.
If Seth Rogan can keep turning movies out like this he has the potential to be the John Hughes of this generation.

I was so excited to see the return of the 80's teen movie formula.
Teen nerds wanting to make it with chicks, house parties, the mall, booze, and boobs, and above all witty and simply funny writing! Even Seth's outfit was very Chuck reminiscent.

Writers Seth Rogan, and Evan Goldberg started writing this when they were 13-years-old! They just "wanted to see if they could write a movie". Thus the lead characters Seth, and Evan. Fun fact. I love those.

Now lets talk about Fogell/Mclovin. Among a few of us girls we feel he is so cute.
Now, now.
Although he his the most freakishly nerdy guy of the bunch, he is unforgettable. He could go down in the books with some other memorable characters like Farmer Ted,
Louis Skolnick, and The Donger.
There's is one scene I hope some young guys out there catch. Fogell has been trying to get the attention of Nicola, unsuccessfully. But the moment she takes notice of him, it's because he's gotten a renewed confidence, and any girl will look right passed that pasty skin, and glasses when a guy's got the balls to just talk to us. If you have young boys in your life, please pass that lesson down. It's a fact.

In the end, this movie really reminded me (as if I needed reminding) just how much I love boys. They are just so different than us (girls), and their hangups are just so damn cute.

Long live the nerd hero!!


Anonymous said...

i soooo totally agree.this movie was a good beginning of thee summer or back to school movie...think about it it gives people something to talk about..."hey did you see SUPER BAD?"...you kno something like that can really break the ice. and your so right i didnt like fogul much but now i cant get enuff of my boyfriend. i love talkin tohim and love when he makes that annoying sound outof his stuffy little nose hahaha. and your right again when a boy has confidence it can really make a difference i mean thats what made me notciehim....who knows i mite be sending an invite 2 a spring wedding...imagine mrs.mc.lovin haha! 2 thumbs up!