
Raising Arizona : Early Spring Pick

"Son, you got a pantie on your head."

5 Stars

This week I've probably watched this one about 5 times start to finish. I can't get enough!
It's just perfect for this weather, and hell...it makes me laugh!

Raising Arizona is the story of H.I. McDunnough played by a young good lookin' Nicolas Cage. In and out of prison for armed robbery, he falls head over heals for Ed "Short for Edwina. Turn to the right!" played by Holly Hunter. Soon after they marry she discovers she's baron, and they decide to kidnap a baby from Nathan Arizona who's wife gave birth to quintuplets.

The Coen Brothers are brilliant. I am really curious why they are so fascinated with the deep south, and John Goodman who has been a staple in many Coen Brother films. And why not? He's perfectly cast in each one.

It was so hard to pick just one quote from this movie. Check back, it might change from time to time.
Every time I see it I get a new favorite.

If you've never seen this one now is the perfect time of year. There's just something about the dusty desert landscapes, and the gritty southern characters. Not to mention the theme song. I can whistle that one for hours! Come July when I get my new cell phone this song will me my ring tone.


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