
Pan's Labyrinth

"You're not the first pig I've gutted."

5 Stars

At the end of this movie a single word was running over and over in my head. Beyond.
That's what this movie is. Beyond [place adjective here].

The story looks to be set in the 1940s, and introduces us to a young girl (Ofelia) traveling with her mother to live with her new husband, a Colonel of the Spanish Army that is very Fuhreresque. His duty is to create a "clean Spain". Yikes! And come to think of it, Ofelia looks very Anne Frank.

Since Ofelia is a fan of fairy tale books, she is easily able to spot fairies and other creatures in the forest that surrounds the compound that she now lives on. In the midst of these trees is an old labyrinth that she is lured into by her fairy friend and finds a new meaning to her life.

I absolutely hate giving away too much of a story for others. To reveal more of this plot may hinder you from really losing yourself in it. I can say a few things though.

This movie has got hands down the best foley (or sound effects) I've heard! Every singe of a cigarette, stretch of leather, creaking of wood, tearing of flesh, rain, or breathe is so clear and graphic! At one point when I was really aware of this fact a scene came that involved an amputation. I was quietly chanting "Spare us, spare us, spare us.." even though I totally wanted to hear and see it!
I also can't say enough about the cinematography! Perfect, and breathtaking. Some of the best shots of food are in this movie. Luscious fruits and produce, and roasts you could smell.
Prosthetics and visual effects are equally brilliant.

There are a lot of those "holy shit" moments in this film. A great frog that lives in a tree, a baby eating monster that I was just hypnotized by, and the graphic details of the amputation are a treat comp aired to other scenes. Loves it!!

This movie is in Spanish, such a beautiful language (I love the lisp). Director Guillermo de Toro has had experienc in American film with Hellboy, and Blade 2, but I'm glad he chose Spanish. It made me feel like this story was from a forgotten book on a large bookshelf. Only found on the very top shelf all the way in the corner covered with dust and magic.


gino said...

i saw this one!!! i agree!

Anonymous said...

i loved this movie