

"He's just in shock."

1 Star

Are you kidding?!! This was like a parody of a movie. I turned it off somewhere in the middle, I totally didn't care about this movie. And that's a bummer cause I heard so many great reviews from people I know, and trust!

I think this was supposed to be a true story 'er something. Well I would be hecka pissed if I were one of those dudes.
Some country boy wants to fly planes as a way to getting out of jail time. Turns out the rebel is a natural when it comes to flying. Yawn...
So the other pilots who have put in their time hassle him, and they shut up once they see his skills. Ok...
So stupid, I can't get over it.

The victorious musical score was way premature. Playing while he's training as if by shooting at a bale of hay, he's winning the war. The special effects were very disappointing too. I remember seeing the previews and being impressed with 'em, but I guess they're only impressive when you see them for a split second.

Also, the upper class man know-it-all is so annoying. I counted 3 scenes of him doing the cheesiest comebacks!! Each one went something like this.
Crowed place, kid says, "This plane tried to shoot me!"
Voice from the back of the room, "Did it have 2 swords on it?"
The crowd parts, he's sitting at the back of the room, he stands up like he's some bad ass, and starts to tell some story which is supposed to make him look like more of a bad ass as he starts to tell his tale.
3 times that shtick happened, and I only watched half of it.

This might have been a better movie had I been sick and hopped up on NyQuil. The kind where you don't really care what's on the TV as long as you can hear the hum.
And the boots were incredible.

Poor James Franco.


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