

"Your Mother is correct.
They are ugly."

2 Stars

I think the folks behind this movie (including director Kevin Bacon) probably thought this was going to spark up conversation, or shock and for me it didn't do either.
It actually kinda blew.

They way Netflix explained it, it sounded alright.
But then I just re-read it and now I have no idea what I was thinking

Emily (played by Kevin Bacon's true wife Kira Sedgwick) wants to have a baby. Real bad. So she does her own version of the movie Twins, where she bangs a lot of different dudes across the nation that have the qualities she would like for a father. She even bangs John Legend!!?
But none of those didn't really pan out. Until... she bangs some dude that is staying at the same hotel and ya'll know...
it only takes one.

So she has this kid, nicknames him Loverboy and is totally obsessed. She wants to be the only thing in his life and him in hers. Throughout the movie he's about 7-ish. She won't let him go to school, interact with others, and the moment he shows any Independence she panics. Does she realize that he won't stay a boy forever? For a minute there I thought she was gonna kill him. You know that "If I can't have you" type thing.
And a very annoying thing is that they don't use contactions when talking to each other. "I do not want to/ I cannot", SHUT UP!! I have a really hard time with fantasy talk like they do throughout. It's retarded.

In and out of the movie there are flashbacks of her childhood. Bacon plays her father and is hot!! I hate that I couldn't find a picture of him for this. He had the tight poly pants, the satin shirts, and the best rose colored aviator shades on, and smoking at all times. Marisa Tomei plays her mom, and while the movie was trying to portraySedgwick as the sex pot while she's banging-cross-America, really Marisa was way hotter.

This movie was a real waste of time.
Thank God I had paperwork to do while it was on.
If you plan on watching it I advise you do the same.