
13 Tzameti

"We don't force anyone into this shit."

5 Stars

I hate this phrase but I'm gonna say it...
a must see movie.
You just have too! I said "Oh my god" out loud so many times while covering my nose and mouth with my hands.
I just rented it on recommendation, and knew nothing about it. Which if you plan on watching it is best. I watched the preview on the disc just to see what's doin', and the preview alone was enough to literally make my skin hot, cause I was so nervous.

The beginning is kinda slow, very french cinema. A young guy begins work on the roof of an odd couple's house. He overhears the husband speak of coming into big money by means of doing a "job" for a day. After receiving his "job summons" in the mail he is dead, and the info lands in the hands of the young roofer. There is no indication of what the job is, but with his family in dire need of money, he follows the instructions. Unknowingly he is now a volunteer in the most ruthless underground game, that wagers the highest stakes a man can make.

When this game starts to unfold, I was panicked!! I kept thinking "No way.
They can't be... Oh shit, I think they are." The story telling is great because it really put me in his perspective. I was looking around each room to see where I was, and I was so curious as to who the rest of these men were, and why are they here. And how the hell did I get here?!

Filmming it in black and white was perfectly cold. It took all the warmth out, and made the matter that more bone chilling. I found that the scariest parts were not at the game so much but the quiet times between the games. That's when a man's mind can race, and to see how each one has their own way of coping is so heartbreaking. Simply heartbreaking.

I've always been intrigued by secret societies and the like.
I've always wanted to be a part of one.
I know they're out there. I don't know if they're as drastic as this, but it just fascinates me the question of what makes a person feel like they have to go to these measures?
Is sex not enough, are drugs not enough, is fighting not enough?
After this film I am filled with questions concerning the secret desires of man.
The desires we will never utter, but have all thought.

I wonder...