
Black Snake Moan

"Like Jesus said,
'I'm 'onna suffer you.'"

3.5 Stars

A true, good versus evil story. As much as I loved so many little things in this movie, it wasn't great. Having a hack actor like Justin Timberlake didn't help either. He's a graduate of The Keanu Reeves Acting Academy.

After finding sex-addicted 22-year-old Rae (Christina Ricci) beaten and near death, blues musician Lazarus (Samuel L. Jackson) acts as a father figure to help redeem her in this Southern-fried drama.

This movie was almost a story of an exorcism with voodoo tendencies. The character Lazarus is true to the parable of Lazarus which teaches the terrible result (hell) of neglecting others in need. I'm shure there are many other biblical reference in this that I just didn't catch.

This was the first movie I was able to watch for a while. I am currently afflicted with hives, and can't really concentrate on much else but my burning skin. I felt much like Ricci as she wiggled around on the couch during on of her spells.

The music was great too! I really love that music of The Black Keys was largely featured in the film. I've seen that band a number of times, and I can watch that guy play guitar all day long. He gets into a trance, and violently thrashes out the best blues riffs. Knowing his performances, it really matched the tone of the movie.

I really expected more from this movie, but in all honesty I can't stop thinking about it.

Plot summary courtesy of Netflix