
The Dead Girl

"-You're not kissing me.
You're just lying there like you
want me to rape you!'


4 Stars

I was pleasantly surprised! I didn't think this movie was going to be as class, as it was.
Since the previews, and print show mostly Brittany Murphy I thought it was going to be another on of her movies. Cool thing is, she's in it for a short time, and by the time we meet her, you kinda care for her.

The story is broken up into chapters of different women, and how they are connected to this dead girl.
The Stranger who finds her, The Sister who believes she's family, The Wife who could help her, and The Mother who's looking for her.
Each story is short but just enough. I loved them all. The format really remides me of one of the best films I've ever seen, Nine Lives. Watch it.

I was happy to see so many great actors in this movie.
Who knew? Collette, Ribisi <3, onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiINWC-GFC9QouQM03BeBQtmVd_plIfgn7Xz2jMbhR9mPmp99PVeXMlRXPqIh4a-7Za1PuQyi6WQFWmrYhZxw637aNDlunWF3NTDaWyYDgpctZ_bK1NBZlFTQlBTHrpqvyislejJivf85gS/s1600-h/thedeadgirl3.jpg">


Adare said...

Ooh, you didn't even tell me about this one, nerd. Sounds good, I'ma watch it! :D