
Sex and The City

"Did I dream it?"

4 Stars

First of all, I don't think I've ever been in a room with so many women!
It was really strange.
And these women (humble as they may have been) dressed up for the movie. On a Sunday afternoon! I even encountered some women in the bathroom after the show who were complaining about their feet hurting from wearing their heels that day.

The movie was great. After reading other reviews it seems as though you love it or hate it. Personally I wasn't looking for some brilliant piece of cinema. The show was fluff and I expected the movie to be fluff too.
And majority of it was, but I was impressed with how deep (I felt anyway) Carrie's pain went.
We've seen Carrie low before, but this was LOOoooow. For me that's when it turned into a movie. This went passed girly TV drama. I was feelin' it.
I was also feelin' the opening credits. I love the overture of sorts of each characters story line with footage from past episodes. A great way to put the viewer back in the rhythm of the show.

Surprisingly it wasn't SJP who shined throughout the movie. It was Kristin Davis!
She balanced the difficult tightrope of drama and comedy flawlessly!
In one scene (you'll know it when you see it) she shocks the viewer with her bravery and anger, and exits in such a way that makes you chuckle. I wouldn't doubt if she gets nominated for an Oscar.
Okay, maybe a Golden Globe. Okay, SAG Award at least, but she should totally be recognized!

Cattrall was good at being Samantha, always has always will. But I'm glad the script knows that her shtick is getting old.
Miranda's story was very touching, and at times, yes, brought me to tears.
Also Jeniffer Hudson, who has been slammed in reviews, did very well. She had such a small roll, but it was a great shot in the arm to this cast we know and love so well.
Hey, someone had to keep it real.

Sex and The City did what it knows best. I showed the unexplainable, and rich fulfillment that friendship among women can give. These relationships are a unique, and remarkable experience, and I was warmed to see it reflected in this movie.


Anonymous said...

EEEyeah it was fluff women fluff ~ adolf