
There Will Be Blood

"Give me the blood,
so I can get out of here!"

5 Stars

Okay, when I first walked out of the theater I was very impressed with Daniel Day-Lewis' performance, and wasn't too thrilled with the movie as a whole telling my boyfriend "It' wasn't the best movie I've ever seen."
(It has been hyped a whole lot.)
But as the days pass since I've seen it, I am more and more interested, intrigued, and excited about this movie.

On the radio I heard a reviewer say, "that you wouldn't think a movie about the oil industry in the early 1900's would be interesting." He felt it was more about a father and a son. To some extent I would agree, but there are for me so many facets that are close to home.

Daniel Plainview (Day-Lewis) is an oil prospector finding new oil lands and buying them up with this young son H.W. at his side.
As some of you may know, I work at my families pawnshop founded by my grandfather, ran by my mother, and sees me as VP. Just as H.W. cooed in his basket at the oil drill as a baby, I was taking naps between the VCRs that were in loan as a kid. And little is different for my mother as well. I know what it feels like to see business go on around you with youthful eyes. I may not have known exactly what was going on, but I knew it was real, and it was important.
Love a scene where Daniel tells H.W. about his plans for a pipeline. I know the feeling of having the business click for me as it did for H.W. right then.
"So we can save on shipping costs."

When Daniel decides to buy some profitable land he has to oblige the locals. He ends up butting heads with a preacher named Paul Sunday, played by Paul Dano from Little Miss Sunshine fame. When I saw him in that I looked up all I could on him, and knew he had it in him to be a good actor. Even though The King sucked, Dano was great in that too.
Come to think of it, he played a religious freak in that one too! Hmmm.
I felt the Paul Sunday character wanted to be a star, and used the stage of the church as his theater. He starts to act like a bratty celebretard too, until Daniel put him in his place.
One thing's for shure, that kid can play car-azy!

Now lets talk about the man. Daniel Day-Lewis is.. man, I'm trying to think of a way to say it without sounding like a movie poster! "Phenomenal. Chilling. Powerful. Astonishing."
As I was watching this I was genuinely concerned for the actor opposite Day-Lewis. I just kept thinking if that were me I would be Frightened to hear these words, with that much power, with that much intensity looking right into my eyes!
I think I might pee a little.

This movie totally stimulated my love for everything turn of the 20th century.
The costumes, the very dangerous working and living conditions, and most importantly the teeth!! No pearly whites in this one, A+. Not mention the best hangover scene. Ever.

Yup, Biggy was right. "Mo money, mo problems."


Hostel : Part II

"What's the code?!"
"Fuck! You!"

3 Stars

Awe man, that line killed me!!
I was hecka laughing, to hear it is
just so funny.
Even though this is a horror movie,
I found I laughed a whole lot. I watched it with my boyfriend and a couple other friends, and really, that's the way to watch it. Otherwise I would have gotten really fed up and turned it off halfway through.

I did see the first one. I liked it. I thought it was a well rounded horror flick, and it felt new. Quentin Tarantino backing it didn't hurt either, and he's behind this one too.

Return to the place where all your nightmares come true in this sequel the the hit gore fest. When three young American take a break from their international studies and check in to a Slovakian hostel, they have no idea they've walked into a chamber of horrors, where, for a price, wealthy psychopaths can live out their most gruesome fantasies by torturing and murdering visitors.

What was really fun was to see Heather Matarazzo (Welcome to The Dollhouse) all grown up. She does some frontal nudity too. In the first Hostel there were boobs left and right, geeze. So in this one Eli Roth gives us some male frontal. Ooo la la.

There's really not much else to say about this movie. It's horror, it's fun, and I highly recommend watching it with friends. If you do, having one person around whose particularly squeamish makes the movie that much better.



"That's a really good perfume."

3 Stars

(He's so cute when he says that!) But besides that, what was up with this movie?
The first three quarters are great! The passion, the curiosity, the transcendental emotions of scent... awesome. But WTF was that ending about?

When I first saw the preview of this I was in. As it played in theaters I heard some terrible reviews on it.
I still gave it a chance, and wow, it was beautiful.
The period was great (some real grit just how I like it), and this boy's passion, and extraordinary gift of scent that drives him mad. Sounds good...
But would you really attach the term "orgy" to that?
Yeah. Not to be a spoiler, but the end is a huge mess of an orgy! What?! I just felt that it was so gratuitous, and very very unnecessary. It's like they took a perfectly good movie, and wrecked it with nonsense. I understand it was based on a novel, and maybe the written word explains it better, or sensual, or... something. Ugh.
Apart from Dustin Hoffman's performance, I wouldn't recommend this to anyone.

Pirates of the Caribbean : At Worlds End

"You give an agreeable macabre to any delirium."

4 Stars

First of all, are you sure this movie is for kids? Geeze, the first thing you watch is a massive hanging of people, including a kid!
I tend to have a hard time watching Johnny Depp doing his shtick in each of these movies. If I don't just relax and just watch it, I feel embarrassed for him at times. Is that just me? I guess he's the only kid friendly element. Well, there is that funny monkey though...

One thing is for sure. If it's a Disney movie, it's going to be quality.
They know how to put on a show. I see the Disney logo, and I know I'm in good hands. The special effects are flawless. I really liked the score too! It kept the pulse of an epic adventure and blended Asian influence smoothly. The costumes are beautiful!
Details, details, details. The one in particular I just loved was Keira's Asian inspired captain's costume.
I'm telling you, man... Disney.

This cast is great! I love Jeffery Rush in this role. That man can deliver a line, and has perfect comedic timing. I have a love/hate thing with Orlando Bloom. I liked him in this one, probably because I'm a sucker for proposals, and this had to be by far, the best proposal/wedding scene ever!
Keira Knightley. The whole time I can't stop thinking that she is so Mr. Depp's type of girl, and I'm positive he flirts with her constantly on set. He is a Gemini after all.
I'm always looking for it on screen.
And I was really excited to see Chow Yun-Fat, another fine actor. I would love to see more Asian actors of his caliber. Or just more Asian actors for that matter.

It took me a while to get the plot down. I just figured it would all explain it's self through the course of the film, which it did. It was good fun, just like the last two.
A quality, quality series. The ships, the lore, the bad teeth (love the teeth), and the action make for yet another Disney classic.

Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film For Theaters : Haiku Movie Review

"I'll workout on your face!"

5 Stars

This movie was made for me.

I can't stop quoting this toon!

M. Shake. I love you.